No, Judy and I did not win awards. We produced and directed the awards show. Judy was pretty much the producer and I was the director. But there were many times our roles blurred, and it would be accurate to name us both as Producer/Director.
We had had similar roles in last year's presentation. The big difference is that last year we ran only the entertainment portion of the show. This year we ran the whole thing. It is a non-trivial event. We handed out some 31 awards tonight. There were 24 presenters, 5 emcees, 8 tap dancers, 2 ballroom dancers, 16 singers, 138 pages of PowerPoint slides (first slide is shown above) plus backstage and tech crews. We won't even try to count the number of egos involved. And just to make things interesting we were broadcast LIVE on Sun City TV.
It's hard to believe after putting so much time into it that this is not even considered a major production. But in the month or so during which we put it together Judy and I spent between 150 and 200 hours working on this project. If you think that means a lot of nights and weekends you are absolutely right.
So right now we are in "Never again!" mode. We'll see how long that lasts.