Saturday, September 19, 2020

See you in September

 More time has passed and we are still hunkered down, but keeping very busy.I continue with my Hebrew classes and Hadassah activities. Jeff prepared and delivered a new class for the Computer Club and also did a new OLLI class called, "I Hate Passwords." On Wednesdays I have my Mickve Israel study group and once a month the Hadassah board meets on a Wednesday morning. I also attend several meetings and workshops with Hadassah region, on voting and a course for new presidents. Lots of information.

I continue to chair the Hadassah project where we deliver snack baskets to the local hospitals. The volunteer coordinator takes these from our car and puts them in break rooms throughout the hospital. It is a very rewarding project and so many of our members contribute items.

We got back to the beach on August 27 and it is now pretty empty. Most of the tourists have left and the water is wonderful. That night I started an undergraduate class at USCB (University of South Carolina Beaufort) Intro to African American Studies. I had forgotten how much reading and watching videos are required for a regular course. It is exciting and I am learning so much history that was never covered in my academic career. Luckily there are no tests or grades. This class meets weekly until Thanksgiving.

Sirius and I returned to Fish Haul to walk and he still avoids the water. It is great when there are only three other people on an entire beach. Easy to social distance. The next day Jeff and I went to Folly Field to walk and swim.

Lots of rain these days, but luckily no hurricanes - yet! Wet ground makes many mushrooms.

The bird club is back in business and having their monthly meetings on ZOOM. I have agreed to be the vice president for 2021 and will be in charge of programs.

Jeff and I watch TV most nights and have discovered lots of shows on the networks, Hulu, Netflix and Prime. Also watched several Israeli series and it helps me with my Hebrew. I have been reading more and attended a book club meeting.

Our friends Lynn and Neal came over for dinner on the porch. This is so easy since we each bring our own food and bring our own drinks. We are so careful and give thanks each day for our health. Later that night I attended Selichot services online. It is fun to begin the holiday season and have something to look forward to.

Sirius and I continue to walk morning and evening. One day this luna moth hitched a ride on our golf cart.

 This week I went to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned. At night I zoomed the Kamala Harris/Hilary Clinton fund raiser. I enjoyed listening to these two brilliant women talk candidly. The next night I went to a lecture on Jewish chicken farmers in NJ. So interesting as I remember going to buy eggs with my father and watching the farmer candle the eggs.They hold the egg up to a light to make sure there is no blood or embryo inside.

Wednesday night I zoomed a fund raiser for our Senate candidate and hope he can beat the incumbent.

Last night was Erev Rosh HaShanah and tonight we are having our holiday dinner with our Shabbat group. Jeff baked a beautiful Challah with raisins. I made gefilte fish - without the fish. Hope this tastes good. I actually ordered seaweed sheets online and ground them to give it a fishy flavor.

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