Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Blue Velvet

Monday afternoon I guided a nature tour on the Okatie Creek Golf Course. The tours had been on hiatus since March and this is the first week back. I led the group of 10 on the back nine holes. Jeff came along to drive me and the tour driver brought up the rear keeping everyone together on the cart paths. It was a good weather day, but we saw no wildlife and just a few birds. We did see one huge alligator sunning in a lawn. Luckily he was across a lagoon so we felt safe. Here I am showing off a bluebird box and giving a history of our community.

 The weather is getting cooler and it is pleasant to be outside. Tuesday morning Sirius had his annual physical and three year rabies shot. The vet's office is very careful and no human parents are allowed inside. Several parking spots have numbered signs with the office phone number. You call and a tech comes out to walk your pet to an exam room and take notes on any issues your want checked. Then the  veterinarian came out to discuss the visit and take my credit card. Finally the tech brought Sirius out with my card and receipt. And a few treats for a very good boy.

Today was a glorious, sunny day with a high of 79. We decided a road trip was in order and off we went. Jeff and I decided to visit Habersham, an isolated community on the way to Beaufort. You literally can't get there from anywhere, but you can driving down a narrow two lane road in the middle of nowhere. We were shocked to find several hundred drop dead gorgeous homes, townhouses and lots of new construction. The place was perfect for the Stepford wives with little pocket parks and shady lanes with overhanging live oak trees. We were shocked! There is a marketplace area near the entrance with several small restaurants and other shops. So cute!

This is a large park with walking trails and ponds.

Afterwards we hit a Burger King and I had my first Impossible Burger in months - yummy!!! We took our food to the waterfront in Port Royal and had a picnic in the car. Then I walked on the long boardwalk that is on the inlet overlooking Parris Island. There were several people there which was shocking as it is usually empty. Most were fishing or crabbing and it was high tide so all the oyster beds were submerged.

I talked to a nice guy who let me photograph him with his crab trap along with blue claw crabs that he had trapped and would cook for dinner.

Further down I saw two small cruise ships that are docked due to the quarantine. We have seen one of these before docked in Beaufort. They do an upscale cruise along the intracoastal waterway stopping at picturesque towns along the way.

The observation tower is the end of the boardwalk (actually made of concrete) and climbing up gives a great view of the area.

 I was lucky to see a dolphin.

Looking north from the parking lot the beach was under water.

I loved seeing this lone man fishing on the dock. Great way to spend an afternoon.

Driving out we saw these ibises...

And a tri-colored heron. I thought he was eating a small snake, but now I think it is a shrimp.

Last stop was the docks by a seafood restaurant on the water. This dock was where much of the movie Forrest Gump was filmed and the scenes for the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company.

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