Saturday, November 07, 2020

Hail to the Chief

Celebrate! Over the moon with happiness and hope with the votes counted and Biden/Harris the winners. I am breathing a huge sigh of relief and looking to the future with extreme optimism.

Since the last post the country has been consumed with the election and I have watched TV from awakening until the wee hours of the morning. I did take time for a few meetings and we had a Glazer family ZOOM call on Saturday afternoon - it was wonderful!

The weather has been beautiful and Sirius and I have enjoyed walking with cool breezes and sunshine. We saw this exotic Wood Stork on the lagoon near the tennis courts.

My Christmas cactus is blooming.

On Wednesday I attended a ZOOM from the bird club on raptors. It was really good and I learned so much about hawks, eagles, harriers, kites, owls, vultures and more beautiful birds.

Thursday was a Hadassah meeting, my African American class and then the kickoff event for our local Jewish Federation. The speaker, Simone Knego, was so inspirational and has recently written a book titled "The Extraordinary Unordinary You." All donors were given a copy of the book which I look forward to reading.

Friday I am still glued to the TV and did a morning ZOOM on post election politics from Jewish Federations of America. I was excited because Bakari Sellers was one of the panelists and I am a fan of his. He was a SC legislator and appears often as a contributor on CNN. Late Friday came the great news and I have been on cloud 9 ever since.

This weekend is the virtual walk from my Hadassah chapter. I am rocking my pink breast cancer tee shirt and Hadassah bandana, a gift from our region.

Saturday I took a walk on the Riverbend dock. This is a beautiful section of Sun City that is down the road and sits on a beautiful marsh. I was there at high tide and saw several people crabbing.

Red Bellied Woodpecker

Little Blue Heron soaring and posing for his closeup.

At night we watched the Biden/Harris speeches and saw the terrific fireworks. The UNITED STATES is back baby!

All in all an exhilarating and wonderful week.

Some birds at our feeders.

Eastern Bluebird

Carolina Wren


Tufted Titmouse

Pine Warbler

Downy Woodpecker

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