Sunday, November 15, 2020

Blue Skies

Another week hunkered down and waiting for "45" to concede the election. Things seem a bit more hopeful and I am trying to remain calm. More doctor visits and lots of ZOOM meetings, lectures and classes. Sirius and I take lots of walks since the weather is cooler. We did get out for dinner on the porch of our friends Karen and Stuart. We picked up Chinese food and ate out of the containers with plastic forks. We are trying to be so careful.

Lots of birds at our backyard feeders.

Downy Woodpecker

Catbird with a black cap and a red spot under his tail

At the Riverbend dock this Great White Egret at low tide

A Great Blue Heron

And a Little Blue Heron

He got his feet and beak very muddy

And I saw him catch and eat three small snakes

Beautiful Brown Thrasher with yellow eyes

A young gator lounging on our lawn

Female Anhinga in the tree across the lagoon

An Osprey fishing in our lagoon

Anhinga drying his wings

Little Blue Heron across the lagoon

Sirius and I took a walk at Lake Somerset and saw this Great Blue Heron hiding in the brush.

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