Saturday, October 17, 2020

Let the Good Times Roll...

 More time spent quarantined, but also enjoying the beautiful weather. Tonight, Friday, October 2, is the festival of Sukkot and we had a driveway visit with Judy & Sam which always cheers us up. On Saturday we attended a drive in Sukkot service led by Rabbi Haas. It was held in a large field adjacent to a church complete with stage and sound system. You could listen to the service from your car radio or we chose to sit on our lawn chairs in the front. After the short service we were invited to individually enter a makeshift sukkah and shake the lulav and smell the etrog.

That night we met Lynn and Neal at Fish Haul Beach with their dog Maggie. it was cool and wonderful.

Sunday night we met Susie and Art at Lake Somerset for an outdoor dinner. We all brought our own food and this is such an easy way to get together with no cleaning or cooking to prepare.

The next week was more OLLI classes, Hebrew lessons and on Monday a Frank Lloyd Wright house tour. It is amazing what we can do these days from our homes.

I do go out to doctor visits and on Tuesday had blood drawn for testing in preparation for my annual physical next week. Then I headed over to the Bloodmobile to donate a pint. Makes me feel so good to give blood.

Birds at our feeders. Titmouse

Downy Woodpecker

Wednesdays are always busy with my MI class in the morning and a monthly meeting of the bird club in the afternoon. At night I had a Hadassah online event and then the Vice Presidential debate.

Thursdays are filled up too with a Hadassah meeting in the morning as we plan a Chanukah party. Late afternoon is my USCB African History class which is always fascinating.

Friday wasn't too busy so we drove to Beaufort and voted! Only waited in line for one hour.

This Saturday was very special as we attended a ZOOM Bat Mitzvah for Massina, granddaughter of our dear friends Sue and Bob. She did an outstanding job and we are all so proud and happy to be able to share as she was on Long Island, NY. Later we had a back yard visit with our friends Jane and Larry. So good to see friendly faces in person, albeit six feet away at least.

Another week and more meetings and classes. Had my physical in person and made it to another year with no prescriptions. Yea! To celebrate I headed back to the Port Royal boardwalk and took a nice walk and some photos.

Brown Headed Cowbird

Snowy Egret

Using a truck tire to create an oyster bed.

Ruddy Turnstone

Next day was the monthly Hadassah board meeting and at night we had dinner with Jan and Harvey on their porch. We bring our own food. It is much easier for me to do that since I am eating a plant based diet.

Jeff took this photo from our back door as the colors are so pretty this time of year.

Friday was extra special as I joined a group from the bird club to walk in Pinckney National Wildlife refuge. We got there at 8:30 a.m. and had the place to ourselves. We walked one mile to the Ibis Pond, saw some birds and ducks and then walked back. Spent two glorious hours there.


Female Blue Teal Ducks?


Female Gallinule



Male Anhinga


I'll end this on Saturday which was our 49th wedding anniversary. We celebrated with a trip to Fish Haul Beach with Sirius. Sirius and I took a walk at the edge of the water and saw some birds. He is my photo assistant and sits still while I take pictures. A great companion except he likes to eat sand which cannot be healthy.

Tri Colored Heron

Snowy Egret

Jeff enjoyed the solitude and ocean breezes.

Later we did a driveway visit with Lynn and Neal, Judy and Sam. We got cards, flowers and a balloon. Watched some great TV including a movie that we loved in the 1980's, The Gods Must Be Crazy. I laughed so hard, a very funny and sweet movie.

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