Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Happy Talk

 Monday is a lazy day and time to rest and study for my afternoon Hebrew class. Tuesday was restful too and I spent some time getting ready to host the Hadassah meeting on Wednesday. It will be my first time using screen share and other issues.

Tuesday morning Sirius and I saw two Fox Squirrels walking near Lake Somerset on the pretty path.

Lots of activity at the bird feeders and a lovely Kingfisher at our lagoon.

Male and female House Finches

Camelias blooming outside our bedroom window.

Great Egret visiting our lagoon.

The Kingfisher

Our backyard

So Wednesday arrived and I hosted the meeting and it went off beautifully. Our chapter hosted a national speaker who is co-chair of Youth Aliyah. Her talk was wonderful and everyone learned so much about this project. Our slate of officers for 2021 was approved and I am the incoming president!  Next I had a political ZOOM and then a region Hadassah ZOOM in the early afternoon. After a short rest period I worked on next year's programs for the bird club. I will be the program VP. I had dinner and joined another political ZOOM.

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