Thursday, August 06, 2020

By the Beautiful Sea...

Sunday, August 2, I went to Fish Haul Beach with Sirius. It was sunny and breezy. We had a pleasant walk. He is terrified of the ocean and can't seem to figure out why the water moves. I waded in, but he refused to get his feet wet. Luckily there were very few people there and we were easily able to social distance.

We had quite a scare with Tropical Storm/Hurricane Isaias. He came right at Florida and lucky for us stayed at sea until he was north of us. We had an hour of rain in the morning and then it was sunny and calm all day. Further north they had wind, tornadoes and power outages all the way to New England.

I continue with lots of classes and ZOOM meetings. Online Mah Jongg is great and lots of TV including news. Trying to read more and just finished the Mary Trump book. On to some good fiction now. Sirius and I walk about a mile every morning before it is too hot and at dusk we take a ride in the golf cart with Jeff driving.

Last night we visited Lynn & Neal on their large, screened porch. It is good to see other faces even if they are at least six feet away.

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